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What does  it do?

Painless, Effective, Safe & Outstanding Results



Truly Exceptional Results

As one of our most popular cosmetic procedures, this treatment has globally  helped countless clients feel more confident and happier in their own skin. Our team works closely with each client to understand exactly what they’re looking for and ensure they get exactly those results. We combine RF Cavitation and Contouring to effectively reduce fine lines, wrinkles and is particularly effective in reducing scaring from Acne.  Contouring around the Jaw Line also helps dissolve fat pockets under the chin and reduces the jowl area which we see in clients once they start to age and lose fat pads in their cheeks.


The Difference You’re Looking For

Using only state-of-the-art technology, we guarantee this treatment will exceed your expectations. This service is highly customizable so that each client can achieve their desired results without compromise. Fat Freezing was once only a procedure for the rich and famous that was until the global phenomenon that is Antartica hit the market!! Fat Freezing does what it says on the tin!  Using our unique Vacuum technology Fat Freezing is a non-invasive treatment that reduces unwanted fat by using near subzero temperatures to kill the fat cells without damaging the surrounding nerves & tissues.

The Fat Freeze handle is placed on the target area for fat loss and uses advanced cooling technology to selectively target & freeze fat cells.  When fat cells are cooled below body temperature the freezing causes the cells to die.  When fat cells are exposed to extreme cold conditions, the body's response is to restrict circulation to keep the body's core at the correct temperature.  Our Fat Freeze technology which adds an inflammatory response by drawing blood up to the surface layers of the skin killing cells.

Fat Freezing treatment time is dependent on skin type using the Fitzpatrick Scale and will range from 20 - 40 minutes per session with 10 - 20 mins of Radio Frequency Cavitation to improve skin texture and shape.

After 1 Fat Freezing session you can expect to see a 26% reduction in body fat.

Results 4 - 5 weeks with follow up sessions if required.

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